Tuesday 27 March 2012

Trekking fever!

Yesterday I went to see my therapist for the first time in weeks. After I told her what I´ve been up to for the past few weeks, and what I´m looking forward to in the future we decided that I´ll start training again. 

From Inari, summer '09
I don't know whether its a good decision or not, but I have a goal and I want to reach it: next autumn Synja is arranging a hiking-meeting in Koli, and I want to take part. For years I've dreamed of going hiking in the summer in Lapland, but I´ve never managed to do that. When I was "healthy" I was always working and then last summer went by while recovering from the heart surgery. But this year, if my heart´s with me, I'm going trekking! And the best thing is, that I would be going with others who can't stride so briskly. So I wouldn´t have to saunter alone in the end of the line, calling for others to wait for me while I take another break. We´d be taking the break together.

Today, I came across an inspiring article about a blind lady who climbed the Pyrenees with the help of her dog and a man who scuba dived even though his legs were palalyzed. Truly nothing is impossible.

Tomorrow I'll call my physiotherapist so that we could plan my training together. I don't want to train too hard and end up in hospital after the first two weeks. It wouldn't be good for my plans.

Have you ever been hiking? Did you enjoy it?


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